Corporate governance

About Corporate governance

Corporate governance is the rules, routines and processes that form the basis for the governance of the company and which, together with corporate culture and values, ensure long-term sustainable development. The purpose is to support the board and management in the work of establishing Copperstone as a leading, sustainable mining company and create value and transparency for shareholders.

In line with the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the Code), Copperstone will produce corporate governance reports as of 2023. 

Corporate Governance Report 2023 

Svemin’s recommendations

Copperstone follows the industry organization Svemin’s recommendations for mines, minerals and metal producers in Sweden. This means that the international regulatory framework PERC Reporting Standard is applied when reporting exploration results, mineral resources and mineral reserves. The information provided in accordance with the PERC regulations must be reviewed by a so-called qualified person who is an expert in what is reported and who is a member of an independent expert organization, for example in FAMMP (Fennoscandian Association for Metals and Minerals Professionals).

At Copperstone, Thomas Lindholm is a qualified person. He holds a master’s degree in geotechnics/geophysics and is approved as a qualified person under FAMMP. Thomas Lindholm is also a Fellow AusIMM (Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy) which means that he can report in accordance with both PERC and JORC regulations. Swemin’s Review Board continuously reviews that the companies comply with the organization’s rules and that reporting is done correctly according to standards.